Mijn schilderwerk verkoop ik via Werk aan de Muur. Verder te vinden op: Pixelfed, Pinterest en bereikbaar via whatroselikes[@]gmail.com
Met het oog op duurzaamheid: ik blog veel over producten die ik mooi vind. Niet omdat ik je wil aanmoedigen om van alles te kopen, maar omdat er zoveel mooie dingen zijn die je anders wellicht niet zou ontdekken. En als groot fan van rommelmarkt en kringloop, probeer ik ook rekening te houden met duurzaam en tijdloos.
This blog is run by Rosemarie Wieske and located in
Deventer, The Netherlands. Interior,
philosophical articles, city's, DIY's, good reads are amongst others
things that are covered in this blog. It's a hobby, which means that I don't
post regularly once a week, but whenever I find things I like (and time
:), something will appear. For me, this blog forms a catalogue of
things that I like.
You can find my paintings at Art Heroes. Also on Pixelfed, Pinterest or reach out via whatroselikes[@]gmail.com
On sustainability: as I blog about products, I find it important that you know that that isn't about encouraging you to buy al this stuff. I just like you to know what's out there, so you can choose well. As for myself: I like products that are sustainable and timeless. Of course I'm not perfect and do less sustainable buys now and then - think Flying Tiger.. It is also why I have a love for the thriftshop, where you can find loads of nice things that you can re-use.
Please link back when using any material that is original to What Rose Likes, unlike otherwise credited. I always try to refer to the owners of any work that I feature. However, if you have a problem with your work appearing here let me know and I will remove it ASAP. [whatroselikes@gmail.com]
[Beeld header, since I love Paris :)]
You can find my paintings at Art Heroes. Also on Pixelfed, Pinterest or reach out via whatroselikes[@]gmail.com
On sustainability: as I blog about products, I find it important that you know that that isn't about encouraging you to buy al this stuff. I just like you to know what's out there, so you can choose well. As for myself: I like products that are sustainable and timeless. Of course I'm not perfect and do less sustainable buys now and then - think Flying Tiger.. It is also why I have a love for the thriftshop, where you can find loads of nice things that you can re-use.
Wil je foto's van deze blog gebruiken die door mijzelf zijn gemaakt? (i.e. er staat geen bron bij). Vermeld dan deze blog en mijn naam als bron. Ook ik probeer altijd de maker te vinden en link naar de originele bron. Herken je werk van jezelf en wil je dat ik dit materiaal verwijder? Mail me op whatroselikes[@]gmail.com en ik zorg dat ik dit zo snel mogelijk verwijder.
[Beeld header, since I love Paris :)]